Программирование и отвага Блог о C++ и вообще

So you have been promoted

So you have been promoted from a developer to manager. Congratulations! You get a salary raise and the right to decide, start attending more meetings, plan and report… and suddenly forget how to code, because your managerial activites eat up each minute of your time. Awful. Or is it?

In my experience, the fear of losing your developer qualifications is the biggest one of a newborn manager – after the fear of failing in the new role completely. Can it be avoided and how? And if not, what do you get instead for your professional growth?

Finding time

In the beginning, the new duties can get overwhelming. It is fine if you are not satisfied with your performance at first – you will learn, a routine will be established and you will feel more at ease again. Take your time, your superviser is smart and understands that you can’t make a good manager in a minute.

Finding yourself

There and back again


